Wk2 discussion using advance table

Category: English


Week 2 Discussion

Tables are useful for displaying a small amount of data, and there are three different methods of creating tables in a word processing document: creating a table within Word or Docs and entering information, selecting text in a document and applying a table to it, and pasting a selection from a spreadsheet into the document. Each method has its own unique use, and each method also presents a specific set of formatting challenges. Use the information listed below to create a practice table using each of the three different methods using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs, (Please click on the link below to access a Google Sheet with the data in spreadsheet form that you may use to copy and paste into your document to investigate method #3) and then create a table of your own to compare and contrast the pros and cons of each of the different methods, save the table, and upload as an attachment to your discussion board post. An example, with basic styling, has been provided for you in Figure 1.

Sample Data Set

Jaden X. Grimes

P.O. Box 624, 2119 Aliquam Road

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Hayfa E. Carney

P.O. Box 869, 3897 Magna Rd.




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Joy D. Bauer

Ap #312-379 Feugiat St.

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Lenore W. Bowman

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Shelly Q. Knowles

Ap #202-7170 Lorem St.




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Link to Google Sheet Data:https://docs.google.com/a/grantham.edu/spreadsheets/d/1qvbhmCsmzdlPpSL1bqx_T5CP8_gY6_U5xwEiPP05JBc/pubhtml?gid=395261196&single=true

Figure 1: Example of Discussion Board Table.

Table creation method



Draw a table

Convert existing text to a table

Insert Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

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