Written Assignment 8
Answer the following questions.
1. Identify the major divisions of the autonomic nervous system and the general functions of each.
2. Compare the structures and functions of the sympathetic division of the ANS to the parasympathetic division of the ANS
3. Compare the innervation patterns of the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic division
4. Define and explain dual innervation.
5. Describe olfaction and trace the olfactory pathway.
6. Describe gustation and the sensory organs of taste.
7. Describe the structures and functions of the three areas of the ear.
8. Describe the structures of the eye and the functions of each.
9. Discuss problems that result from abnormalities in the cornea, the lens, or the shape of the eye.
10. Briefly describe two surgical procedures used for correcting myopia and hyperopia.
11. Discuss age-related disorders of the special senses.