rowse the paintings and pictorial art illustrated in The Art of Being Human text, and the Study Slides in this link: Painting + Pictorial Arts.This has lots of images and is a big file, so be patient.
_ Review what you have learned about materials and techniques, and options for composing subjects, and expressing ideas and emotions. Then discuss what you found interesting or significant about how an artist’s choices of subject and handling of visual elements and composition, contribute to the emotional impact of art works, and its meaningfulness for you.
Support your discussion with 3 specific examples: one each, of a representational abstract, and non-objective art work from our studies. Use examples from our Textbook and Slide set. Be sure to cite the names of the artists, titles of works, and text section /or slide number. Review the following examples, but make different choices for your 3-part response.
* Definitions for your 3-Part Visual Arts Response.
Please look at Slide set page13 as you read the definitions below. The paintings (spiraling from your upper right down, then to left, then to the center image) are:
Kandinsky, Composition #8, 1913.
Picasso, Self Portrait, 1901.
Nancy Jay, Two Suns, 2004.
Rembrandt, Self-Portrait, 1659.
Spirit animal. Pacific Northwest Coastal art, no date.
– “Representational” generally means a painting that looks like, or mimics, something we see in the world, without deliberate distortion (Compare Rembrandt and Picasso paintings to others. Consider degrees of representation).
_ “Abstract“ art combines representation with alterations that are independent from visual references to the world. The artist uses the visual language of shape, form, color and line to accomplish both the illusion of representation and alterations to create different effects. (Example: Pacific Northwest spirit animal).
— “Non-objective” art: essentially, the artwork may evoke, or suggest some aspects of the seen world, but mainly, it is not intended to depict persons, places or things as they appear in the world. (Examples: Kandinsky, Composition #8; Nancy Jay, Two Suns (or is her work abstract?)