875 words

Category: Government

875 words 

Include citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions in an APA-formatted reference list. Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.

Visit the American Civil Liberties Union Supreme Court Cases website to see civil liberties cases that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on, organized by term.

Select one of the cases on civil liberties that interests you. Provide an analysis that addresses the following:

  • The civil liberty that is addressed in the case, including the text of the amendment from the Bill of Rights
  • An explanation of the Supreme Court’s involvement, including the following:
  • The importance of the ruling (why it is significant)
  • How the case moved through the lower courts to eventually be heard by the Supreme Court
  • The powers granted to the Supreme Court by the constitution that allowed them to rule on the case

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