I would like you to read the first article, the Texas Tribune excerpts from late 2018, and legislative link. Then respond accordingly.
But before you do, make sure you look at the other articles first — they’re not long. There are lots of frequently asked questions and legal/factual answers. Use these to hep you formulate your answers but do not copy their responses. Also look at the map included – it shows the nation’s position on recognizing sexual and gender identity overall. It should raise questions in your own mind.
Think about the topics of gender development and sexuality as your book describes – but then think about the concept of gender identity development and apply some of those ideas here.
BEFORE you answer the following questions I want you to remember that being transgender is not a new phenomenon, you probably didn’t even pay attention to it before it became so “newsworthy”and consider how Europe and other nations manage some of these social factors.
I don’t care what you think personally — just make sure you argue/discuss this professionally as this is something you will probably come across in your careers. You may need to step outside your comfort zone to think this through.
And use the 3 files I uploaded.