Assignment: communicating bad news | Human Resource Management homework help

 Leaders and managers often have to deliver unpleasant or difficult  information to other employees or other internal or external  stakeholders. How well this news is delivered can affect employee  relations as well as public perceptions. 

 Review the following scenario: 

 A new company claims  it manufactures the best dog food in the market. It employs around 250  people worldwide. After six months in business, one of the company’s  brands is found to contain harmful bacteria. Overnight, reports start  pouring in from all over the country about pets falling sick, some  critically. The company wants to communicate with its stakeholders  through a memo before major news channels start to cover the disease. 

Assume that you are an assistant to the company’s chairperson.  

Module 2 Readings:

 textbook, Leadership Communication, read the following chapters: 

  • Chapter 4 – Using Social Media and Other Leadership Correspondence
  • Chapter 5: Leadership Documents and Reports
  • Chapter 8 – Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills for Leaders
  • Chapter 9– Diversity and Intercultural Communication Leadership
  • Chapter 10 – High-Performing Team Leadership

 From the Argosy University online library resources, read: 

 Based on  your analysis of the scenario and using the reading material covered in  this module, draft two memos for the chairperson. One memo should  address the board of directors and the other the company’s employees. 

Make assumptions about whether it is the food product that has bacteria  or if there is another explanation for the pets’ sickness. 

Write a 1–2-page paper in Word format. Turned-in on time, Plagiarism Free, Indented Paragraphs, Running-Heads included, Pages numbered, Cover and Reference Pages included, Grading and Points Criteria followed,  

Please work on your APA formatting of citations. I have provided the APA resource cite for you.,  Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years,  All assignment details and qualifications followed, Apply APA standards to citation of sources.  

By Tuesday March 27, 2018 submit your assignment to the Submissions Area

Assignment Grading Criteria  & Maximum Points:

Effectively  utilized the tips covered in the module, to write an appropriate memo  addressing the board of directors to convey the bad news.  40pts.

Effectively  utilized the tips covered in the module, to write a suitable memo  addressing the company’s employees to convey the bad news.  40pts.

Wrote  in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  20pts.

Total:  100pts.

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