Part 1 about this course
In this course you will examine definitions, characteristics, assumptions, and basic principles of behavioral analysis as applied to social skills in inclusion settings. A major component of this class targets application of the delivery of behavioral interventions to individuals with special needs.
Step 2: Post your introductory information to the discussion.
Include the following information:
•Your name: Prudence Medina
•Brief background: I work as an ABA Behavior Therapist that works with children with Autism ages 3 to 22
•What are my Current knowledge related to Applied Behavior Analysis & Data Collection
•Give Interest areas or experiences related to Applied Behavior Analysis in Inclusive Settings.
•What you hope to gain from this learning more about Applied Behavior Analysis in Inclusive Settings.
•Other personal information you wish to share: I love to learn about other cultures and foods
Step 3: In a separate post, provide an original contribution addressing the following:
•Post your original thoughts about Methods of Applied Behavioral Analysis in Inclusive Settings. In this lesson, you will begin to explore the requirements for meaningful and useful explanations of human behavior. You will examine how future prospects depend on human behavior. This lesson will trace the historical development of a way of understanding and predicting human behavior called applied behavior analysis and provide several examples of applied behavior analysis (ABA) in action. Then, you will learn about determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and the main philosophical concepts that constitute the essence of ABA. You will be able to see the constructive directions that the field has taken over the years. Finally, you will learn the difference between behavior learning and teaching. You will take the concepts you explore in this lesson (e.g., contingencies, reinforcement, and stimulus control) and incorporate them into your assignments and the discussion forum. You will also develop an understanding of how you can use this information in carrying out a program for social skills training and how it relates to your personal/professional experiences.
•How have you used, or will you use, applied behavior analysis to increase appropriate behaviors in your own particular experiences?
Important Note: Make sure each step is separate