Name Technological Solution or Social Change
Please answer the following questions in a short paragraphs of 3-5 sentences.
Questions for Technology Fix versus Social Change
1. Would you consider yourself as more a “technofixer” or an “anti-technologist”? Why?
What causes you to trust or distrust technology?
2. In general, do you think modern technology has done more harm or more good? Explain
your answer.
3. How have dominant political and social values and attitudes changed over the past
century? How have technological breakthroughs affected political and social thinking?
For example, once nuclear weapons were developed, could people ever view global
international conflicts the same way they viewed them in the pre-nuclear age?
4. Is it easier to develop a new technology or to change people’s basic attitudes and ways of
thinking? Which is easier for a government in power to direct or control, a particular
technology or social unrest and political change?