Your Assignment
Read pages 395-396 in your text. What is your personality like? Are you introverted or extroverted? Do you worry a lot, or are you relaxed? Are you talkative or quiet? These are just a few of the questions addressed in the Five Factor Model of Personality.
For this week’s Journal entry, answer questions about your personality. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.
Use these five categories to describe the traits of your personality. Please address all five of the dimensions listed in Figure 12.8 on page 395 (and below). If you would like to take a personality test, visit the following website. Be sure to select the “Short Version!”
To visit the website click here>>Personality Test Center
1. Neuroticism |
4. Agreeableness |
Calm |
Worrying |
Irritable |
Good-natured |
At-ease |
Nervous |
Ruthless |
Soft-hearted |
Relaxed |
High-strung |
Selfish |
Selfless |
Secure |
Insecure |
Callous |
Sympathetic |
Comfortable |
Self-conscious |
Vengeful |
Forgiving |
2. Extraversion |
5. Conscientious |
Retiring |
Sociable |
Negligent |
Conscientious |
Sober |
Fun-loving |
Careless |
Careful |
Reserved |
Affectionate |
Undependable |
Reliable |
Quiet |
Talkative |
Lazy |
Hardworking |
Loner |
Joiner |
Disorganized |
Well organized |
3. Openness |
Conventional |
Original |
Down-to-earth |
Imaginative |
Uncreative |
Creative |
Narrow interests |
Broad interests |
1. Write at least 200 words about this topic. Post your word count at the end of your journal.
2. Make sure to cite a source in your journal using APA style. The source may be your text or any other source you research.
3. Submit your journal using the Journal 3 link.