Use the resources available to gain a better hands-on experience for the topics covered in lab. Potential research resources are not limited to, but could include the following: textbook, books, journals, magazines, Internet research (creditable sites), personal interviews and field visits.Animal Behavior and HandlingGeneral Cattle Handling General Cattle Handling with Dr. Temple GrandinAnimal HealthBased on knowledge learned in lecture animal health is essential to a producer managing a successful operation. Choose your favorite livestock species discussed in class. Create an animal health plan for your operation. This will include any preventative maintenance as well as a plan if stock turns ill. Please have the detailed plan starting from when the animals enter your operation to the time they depart.Below are a couple of examples that can be used as a guide when completing your health plan. It can be adjusted to fit the specie chosen.Herd Health Example # 1Herd Health Example #
Resources(other resources may be used if cited):Temple Grandin – General Cattle Handling – YouTubeherd-health-plan-template.pdf ( (
herd-health-plan-template.pdf ( ( Grandin – General Cattle Handling – YouTube