Companies decide to outsource to other entities that can accomplish a job function for a comparable cost, optimize operations, and allow for more resources to be deployed in areas where the company specializes. Outsourcing can mean departments or functions are handled by another company. It is important to ensure a seamless transition for all chain members.
Resources should be no more than three years old for this Case Assignment because the industry is changing rapidly, and the goal is to remain relevant throughout your career.
Module 3 Case Background Readings
Trends and Practices in Supply Chain Analytics (2020)
Formulating a Predictive Flow (2020)
Masters of Logistics 28th Edition: Find Your Digital Direction (2019)
The Build-Versus-Buy Conundrum in Supply Chain Digitization (2020)
Need Speed Across the Supply Chain? It’s All About the Barcode (2019)
How a Freight Audit and a TMS Can Drive Efficiency for Your Supply Chain (2019)
“Digital Transformation” Can Enhance Working Capital Performance, New Hackett Group Survey Reveals (2019)
Three Logistics Trends to Watch in 2020 (2019)
Adding Data Science to Supply Chain’s List of Job Specs (2019)
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information, see Differences Between First and Third Person. The excessive use of quotes or unoriginal content will directly impact performance since it suggests lack of comprehension and indicates that a student may not have mastered the concepts.
Use the attached APA-formatted template (LOG302 Case4) to create your submission.
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