Identify the following as a statement (or something other than a statement), explanation or argument (not all are!) or if it has an obvious problem in thinking (e.g.: subjective thinking, face saving, group pressure, etc. ), then name that.
Free speech should not extend to white supremacists on social networks. Right now they are allowed to espouse their hateful propaganda on the net and many other places. I was raised by a community that believes in what Abraham Lincoln said, “malice towards none and charity towards all.”
Follow the rules that we have established. Number the sentences. Discard unnecessary sentences, or parts of sentences. Where a conclusion is either missing or implirf, add that. Give a brief account of your reasoning as we’ve done before. Then diagram the argument.
A Florida judge dismissed a lawsuit that accused the Vatican of hiding instances of sexual abuse by priests. The suit was thrown out because Florida’s state of limitations had run out on the case. I submit that the dismissal was proper and ethical considering the community stature and function of priests and the benefits that accrue to society in the aftermath of the decision. Let’s consider community stature first. The community stature of priests must always be taken into account in these abuse cases. A priest is not just anybody; he performs a special role in society—namely , to probide spiritual guidance and to remind people that there is both a moral order and a divine order and a divine order in the world. The priest’s role is special because it helps to underpin and secure society itself. Anything that could undermine this role must be
Does the following contain an argument? First, it’s best if you number each sentence. Second, does it contain an argument? Define what an argument is, then say whether it has one or not. If so, identify the conclusion and premises. If not, then supply whatever is needed to make it an argument; i.e.: missing premises, including a conclusion
“In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, the governments of Canada and the United States have passed sweeping anti-terrorism bills that effectively lay the groundwork for the criminalization of ideas.One consequence has been…the policing of freedom of expression.In Canada, a post September 11th exhibit of contemporary Arab-Canadian art at the National Museum in Ottawa was abruptly cancelled by the organizers to allow the curators to “reconsider” the political works on display:the exhibition did go ahead as scheduled, but only after a determined public campaign challenging the museum’s actions.” [Alternative Press Review, Spring 2002]