We saw three of the most important contributions to ethics in Aristotle’s virtue ethics, Mill’s utilitarianism and Kant’s deontology, and how they would each argue for the morality of a claim differently.
We saw three of the most important theories of justification in Descartes, Locke and Goldman and how each would argue that beliefs are or aren’t justified. We looked at epistemology from a feminist lens to see how it might be biased or exclusionary in various ways. We saw a challenge to the prominent JTB account of knowledge with Gettier’s article.
What are the essential ingredients to the debate? In other words, what are the key positions, the back and forths? Strengths and weaknesses?
Where do you come down on one of these debates? Why? ?This ‘Why’ is the hardest part. We must argue for our views in a rigorous and clear way. It’s out of bounds to say “Because I was raised to think X” or “Because X is popular” or “Because X strikes me as true.” Why is X the correct way of seeing it, according to you? What reasons make it likely to think that your belief is true?
First, choose your perspective. What is your position on this topic and WHY do you think your position is true? What assumptions help you figure out this issue? Do you agree with any of the reasons our authors offered? Do you have your own we didn’t consider? Why or why not?