DB Qustions (2) 300 word responses plus (2) 150 words rebutal for me to post later to my classmates
These answers must be separted by 1) and the 2) then both rebutalls by 1) and then 2) with PEER REVEIWED cited soucres one for each post
To obtain the most possible credit for the week’s participation on the discussion board, you must answer all questions with a 300 word minimum response per question to your question(s), you must respond to a minimum of two of your classmates per discussion board with a minimum of a 150 word response, use proper grammar, sentence structure and paragraph format for your responses.
Chapter 8 Question: (300 words plus with peer reveiwed cited source)
Do you believe the social standing, race and age of juveniles influence the referral procedure?
Chapter 9 Question:
How can the juvenile prosecutor fulfill both the role of protecting society and acting in the best interest of the child?