Recall that all essays must start with the opening statement below. For paragraphs, 2 and 3 do not repeat the questions. They are there to help you in writing the essay.
Guanxi is a Chinese word that describes personalized networks of influence and exchange. In China, individuals rely on Guanxi, networks, to obtain jobs and to get other things done. Cultivating a network is central to Chinese society and politics. Guanxi works on the principle of reciprocity. Loosely translated, reciprocity means “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” Many have argued that the culture of Guanxi explains why China is beset with severe problems of corruption. China’s current president, Xi Jinping has made fighting corruption a top priority of the Chinese state and communist party. In this short essay, I will start out by outlining problems of corruption in contemporary China. Then, I will explore to what extent Guanxi may contribute to what many perceive as a crisis of rampant corruption in the country.
Paragraph 1.
Define what Guanxi is.
Illustrations of Guanxi and corruption in China
Paragraph 2.
How might Guanxi be connected to corruption?
Paragraph 3.
In summary, I have learned two key things about corruption and Guanxi in contemporary China. First, Second,
References Should Look Like This:
If you place them in the text, they should be incorporated in this way. According to John Smith (1999, p. 3) …. or Increased trade has resulted in …. earning more income from its exports (Bauer, 2003, pp. 20-23). The full citation of the reference – book, article, newspaper source is placed at the end of the paper as a bibliography. For example, John Smith 1999. The Cost of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.