The Cognitivist Movement
Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 2: The Emergence of Cognitive Research, from your text, watch the video, TEDTalks: Peter Doolittle—How Your “Working Memory” Makes Sense of the World (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and the Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will be considering the variables that differentiate cognitivism from behaviorism and how this area of understanding ‘how we learn,’ affects our own ability to effectively acquire new knowledge and apply to our personal and professional goals.
As you have read this week, cognitivism is a theory that addresses the mind’s contribution to how we learn. The cognitive revolution (although considered by some as an overly stated fact) is suggested to have been a response to the behaviorist movement that rejected introspection (anti-mentalism), and controversially lead to, what some consider, a dissolvement of the behaviorist movement. Consider the following questions about cognitivism and discuss each, basing your posture on this week’s readings, your past experiences, and your past knowledge.