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The nursing profession is composed of nurses from all cultures and even from other countries. To believe that nurses, even those working for religious organization, are religious, would be erroneous. While many of us do not side with a particular religion, we should be aware of the spiritual or religious needs of our patients and in some instances their families. One of the strength I have would be the ability to identify those patients needs and more particularly identify the appropriate person to talk to them. In cases where our Spiritual care department is not available, contacting a person from the patient’s church or spiritual circle, would be the most appropiate intervention.
If I were the patient, I would have the say in my care and interventions. I have the ability to advocate for myself and my family. In the difficult times the only person who would be able to make decisions regarding my care would be my wife. Because my wife aligns with my beliefs, she would be the most indicated person to make ethical decision-making of my care.