Research paper: introduction section | Psychology homework help

Category: Psychology

 I need a Introduction section of a research paper. I will attach all the articles needed to be read for the Introduction. Also the instructions. It has to be 4 PAGES long. Also attached is the outline for the introduction specifically how the professor wants the introduction, as well as other useful articles. The power point she provided. As well as the experiment and the packet the participant had. More than welcome to use more articles. But the 5 listed must be included. APA format for this research paper. 

Article 1: Healy(1981) The effects of visual similarity on proofreading for misspellings. 1981, Vol. 9 (5), PGS. 453-460

Article 2: Riefer (1991) Behavior engineering proposals: 4. Is “Backwards reading” an effective proofreading strategy? 1991, 73, 767-777

Article 3: Riefer (1993) Behavior engineering proposals: 5 An experimental comparison of team versus solo proofreading. 1993, 76, 111-117

Article 4: Smith (1987) Mark my words, introduction and practice in proofreading. 1987, 14 – 21

Article 5: Wong (1973), What are we doing about proofreading. 1973, 122 – 124 

Hypothesis: I expect people who read aloud notice more spelling errors than those who read silently. 

Purpose : To show why aloud is better than silent. 

Independent variable : Type of proof reading, Levels: silent and aloud 

Dependent variable: number of spelling errors detected by the participants

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