The paper is 1000 to 2000 words can not be less or over the word count. Can not be in a Passive Voice or First Person and no grammar error, and no plagiarism.
APA 7 format
A minimum of three Level 1 headings
Must use proper citations and references (see below and attachments)
Title and Reference Page (words count not included)
Questions: Why is developing the Operational Approach important factor in the Army. Describe the process and concept of developing an Operational Approach and how you envision facilitate this process as leader?
4 part question:
Why is developing the Operational Approach important factor in the Army?
Describe the Process of developing an Operational Approach?
Describe the Concept of developing an Operational Approach?
How you envision facilitating this process as an Army Leader?
ATP 5-0.1, Para 5-1 thru 5-3
ADP 3-0, Para 2-8 thru 2-9, Fig 2-1
ADP 3-0, Para 2-10 thru 2-20, Fig 2-2
ADP 1-01, paragraph 4-18