A+ Answers of the following Questions

Category: Business & Finance

1. When we add, subtract, multiply, and divide, we discover there are basic properties that govern what we can and cannot do. These properties are:
Ø Associative Property,
Ø Commutative Property, and
Ø Distributive Property.
Choose one of the properties listed above and discuss the operations for which it applies and the operations for which it does not apply. Explain your reasoning and provide examples that illustrate your points. 

Estimate the spring constant for each of the four springs on a 1260kg car if the static weight of the car causes the springs to compress 10.0cm
2. Using your equations for the period of a pendulum, determine the period of a pendulum that is 3.0m long
Here is my pendulum data: 
L (M) T^2
0.10 0.4195
0.15 0.7365
0.20 0.9807
0.25 1.0927
0.30 1.3488
0.35 1.4972
0.40 1.6851
0.45 1.9105

1. “To persuade my audience to take a class that will teach them CPR” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of (Points : 4) 

2. The _________ is the obligation of a persuasive speaker to prove that a change from current policy is necessary. (Points : 4) 
burden of proof
strategic duty
deliberative responsibility
balance of practicality
causal imperative

3. Which organizational pattern is especially effective for persuasive speeches that seek immediate action by listeners? (Points : 4) 
comparative advantages order
Monroe’s motivated sequence
problem-solution order
reflective-thinking sequence
psychological process order

1. Which of the following is the third step in Monroe’s motivated sequence? (Points : 4) 

2. According to your textbook, when is it especially important for a persuasive speaker to establish common ground with the audience? (Points : 4) 
when presenting a plan
at the end of the speech
when reasoning from specific instances
at the beginning of the speech
when explaining visual aids

3. According to your textbook, what error in reasoning is exemplified in the following statement?
How can we reduce our dependence on foreign oil? The answer is simple—just get rid of our cars. In Chile, there is only 1 car for every 100 people, compared to almost 8 cars per 100 people in the United States. If Chile can do it, then we can too. (Points : 4) 
appeal to geography
invalid analogy
appeal to tradition
faulty deduction

1. According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?
We have only two choices. We can either adopt a year-round school system or raise a nation of second-rate intellects. (Points : 4) 
appeal to novelty
invalid analogy
circular generalization
erroneous principle

In a study of comparing two drugs, A and B, 100 patients are selected and given drug A, another 100 patients are selected and given drug B. The patients’ responses are recorded.

True or False: This is a controlled experiment.

3. Which organizational pattern is especially effective for persuasive speeches that seek immediate action by listeners? (Points : 4) 
comparative advantages order
Monroe’s motivated sequence
problem-solution order
reflective-thinking sequence
psychological process order

1. According to your textbook, a good way to clarify statistical trends is to (Points : 4) 
increase your speaking rate when giving statistics.
consult the Guinness Book of World Records
use exact numbers rather than rounding off.
use visual aids when presenting statistics.
make sure the statistics are from unbiased sources.

2. To give statistics greater impact, a speaker should (Points : 4) 
use statistics sparingly.
let the statistics speak for themselves.
cite exact numbers rather than rounding off.
combine the statistics with technical language.
conceal the source of the statistics.

3. In his speech on depression, Dhavan said: “According to materials I located through a Google search, almost 20 million American adults suffer from a depressive illness serious enough to interfere with their jobs and their family life.” According to your textbook, did Dhavan make any mistakes in citing his sources? (Points : 4) 
No. Dhavan provided a clear statistic from the Internet.
Yes. Dhavan should have given the exact statistic instead of rounding it off to 20 million.
Yes. Dhavan should have identified the document’s author or sponsoring organization.
Yes. Dhavan should have stated the statistic without mentioning where he found it.
No. Dhavan cited Google, which is a reputable Internet search engine.



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