A+ Answers of the following Questions

Category: Business & Finance

1. 41/6 + 11/3 Simplify the expression above. Which of the following is correct?

2. 10.25 X 12.50 X 1,000.005 Simplify the expression above. Which of the following is correct?

3 . (x-4)-(2x+5) Simplify the expression above. Which of the following is correct?

1. The person responsible for tracking incomplete medical records is the 
A. librarian
B. health data analyst
C. correspondence manager
D. personal digital assistant

2. You go to the emergency room on January 1, and your insurance requires a $250 deductible and 20% co-insurance from you. Your total emergency room bill is $1,250. How much do you have to pay? 
A. $250
B. $550
C. $200
D. $450

3. Mary’s husband died from war-related injuries. Which insurance plan probably covers Mary and her son? 
A. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)
B. Point-of-service
C. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration (CHAMPVA)
D. Preferred provider organization

1. Good coding specialists share which of the following characteristics? 
A. Advanced degrees, interest in confidential medical information, dedication to long hours
B. Attention to detail, thorough understanding of medical processes, ability to analyze large amounts of information
C. Good management skills, perfectionism, accounting knowledge
D. Advanced computer skills, ability to work from home, interest in specific specialty areas of medicine

2. An organization that enhances and improves the quality of patient care through timely information is the 
A. American Association for Medical Transcription.
B. National Cancer Registrars Association.
C. American Health Information Management Association.
D. Health Information and Management Systems Society.

3. Coders play an important role in 
A. managing release of patient information.
B. reimbursement and research.
C. denying medical claims.
D. health record documentation.


1. Career advancements in the health information technology industry are mainly based on 
A. dressing in a professional manner.
B. joining the American Health Information Management Association.
C. knowing other people.
D. education and credential(s).

2. Positive qualities and character traits that determine how you act and perform your job refer to 
A. professionalism.
B. ethical behavior.
C. skills.
D. approachability.

3. A database of information used for research, patient follow-up, and improving public health programs may be a/an 
A. electronic medical record.
B. correspondence management system.
C. tumor board.
D. cancer registry.


1. If health care costs continue to rise, insurance companies fear that
A. they’ll have to offer a greater variety of insurance policies.
B. consumers will be driven to competitors who can offer lower prices.
C. coverage for dependents under age 18 will decrease.
D. government involvement will increase on both state and federal levels.

2. A new technology that will change the role of the transcriptionist is
A. desktop transcription systems.
B. personal digital assistants.
C. smart cards.
D. speech recognition.

3. The person responsible for tracking incomplete medical records is the 
A. librarian
B. health data analyst
C. correspondence manager
D. personal digital assistant

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