Applied Sciences

Petroco refinery | Applied Sciences homework help

  Option #2: PetroCo Refinery Case Study Go to pp. 111-112 in Leadership Communication and read the Case Study on PetroCo Refinery. Do the assignment on page 112: Draft an email to the site services managers scheduling a meeting to discuss the budget (alternatively, you may choose to create a meeting request). Since you have […]

Create a six-panel persuasive brochure that you can use to influence

  Complete the following: Part 1: Brochure Create a six-panel persuasive brochure that you can use to influence your selected population to change a behavior that is affecting their health. Be sure to use at least two constructs from your selected theory or model to influence the specific health behavior. When your brochure is complete, […]

Case study | Applied Sciences homework help

 Case Study Cecilia was 44 years old when her periods started to become erratic. Usually, they had been reliable “like clockwork,” but now they started to last for2 weeks at a time, and come every 6 to 8 weeks. These symptoms were often accompanied by splitting headaches. Cecilia also started to feel distressingly hot for […]

Humanistic psychology | Applied Sciences homework help

  Question 1: Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of the individual experience in the understanding of human behavior. Which theorists do you believe were most instrumental in establishing this tenet of the movement? Why? Question 2 :   t could be argued that to understand both death and afterlife presence, one must first be mindful […]

Systematic research review | Applied Sciences homework help

 Introduction:Include a general introduction to the area of concern and the scope or extent of the problem.  Clearly specify the practice problem/question/topic that your research review will address and why it matters for Social Work. Be sure to define all terms or concepts; do not assume the reader knows anything about the area.Suggested length: 1 […]

Love | Applied Sciences homework help

  Part 1: Types of Love Part 1: Briefly describe eight types of love described by Sternberg (1988) found in Figure 6.5 in your textbook. How do the components of intimacy, passion, and commitment affect each type of love? Part 2: Create a Case Study Part 2: Create a case study of 250-500 words involving […]

Rstudio | Applied Sciences homework help

 In the attached script, I included, several links that demo the implementation of Association rules mining. Pick one reference and create an R code from the instructions in the link, call it, quizN_ialsmadi.R (replace with your first initial last name). You need also to submit a report to indicate the link you used and the detail results that you got […]

discussion: strengths across development | SOCW 6200 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment I | Walden University

  Discussion: Strengths Across Development Learning about psychological, biological, and social development across the lifespan is essential to competent, ethical practice. To prepare for the final project, in which you write up and analyze a biopsychosocial assessment, begin thinking about how you will apply concepts of human behavior and the social environment that you are […]

Field experience | Applied Sciences homework help

This Field Experience has 2-Parts: For this field experience due to the COVID-19 virus here are the conditions you must follow to ensure your safety and that of the older adult you will interview!: If you live in a household that has an older adult, you may interview that person. You may conduct the interview […]

Phi 210 week 5 assignment 1.2 conflicting viewpoints essay – part ii

  Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part IISynthesizing and WritingDue Week 5 and worth 100 points When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do  you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment  asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking. The assignment is divided […]

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