COM 4322 Central Michigan University UEFA Europa League Essay PPT

Category: Business & Finance


Content Creation/Evaluation Assignment

This class has focused on the ability to retrieve, evaluate, utilize, share and create content. As discussed in the textbook, lectures and throughout the semester, one of the features of Web 2.0 (Links to an external site.) is a focus on user-generated content (Links to an external site.), participatory culture (Links to an external site.) and interoperability for end users. The ability to create and contribute to content continues to change and become easier for more individuals.

This assignment addresses all the aspects of media/technological literacy from this class with a focus on creating content. Perhaps Wikipedia (Links to an external site.) is one of the strongest examples of Web 2.0 and application of media/technological literacy. For this assignment you will complete a 3-4 minute video presentation of how you expanded a “stub (Links to an external site.)” on Wikipedia.

Starting with Wikipedia you must first look for a stub (Links to an external site.) (incomplete article on Wikipedia). All stub articles on Wikipedia are classified as so and contain the following text at the bottom of the page “article is a stub”

You can search Wikipedia to find a stub article by going directly to Wikipedia and searching topics you have an interest in.

Or you can use easier search methods that were taught in Module 2. For example

In Google (Links to an external site.) or Duck Duck Go (Links to an external site.) (DDG), keyword(s) “article is a stub”

Or even more specific “article is a stub” “your topic of interest here”

Thus if I used DDG and searched “article is a stub” “baseball” (Links to an external site.)

The first result I would find is the “Baseball5”

After finding an stub to edit, you need to create an account. When you do, you will have a user page.

You must create an account and sign in or you will not receive credit for the assignment. This is because I must be sure you completed the edits. If you are signed in, then all your edits are recorded under your account name. This allows me to see how versions are different. It will lead to a page like this (Links to an external site.), which lists contributions. 

Then you are required to take an existing article stub and expand it. You will be required to make an argument for the quality and quantity of your expansion to the stub. Argue why you have contributed enough that the stub status should be removed. The following page (Links to an external site.) should provide you with information and links to help make this argument.

First, begin with an explanation of the stub you are editing and why you choose it. Provide a description of why this is interesting to you and why you believe the stub needs to be expanded. Why would anyone care about this content when there is so much information/content out there to access? Then discuss who would be interested in reading the article and why? What is the importance of it?

Next explain what changes you made and why the changes you made improve the stub. Make sure to explain what content you linked to and why this is important. Do you believe you created enough content to remove the stub status? Why? What did you leave out of your content and why? Consider using elements from previous units in this class and the textbook to strengthen your discussion. You will want to include an image of your user contributions page. 

Then remember from the Media Skills video there are four things to look out for in content, they are Relevance, Accuracy, Bias and Reliability. Address and evaluate how each of these relate to the content you created.

In conclusion bring the project together. Explain why content creation is important amd the value that you continued through expanding this stub. Remember this video must be between 3-4 minutes. Please also consult the rubric for specific point allocation. 

If you have never edited a Wikipedia page before, below are two links that offer some beginning instructions.

How to edit a Wikipedia article 1 (Links to an external site.)

How to edit a Wikipedia article 2 (Links to an external site.)

Also remember you must create your user page in Wikipedia, this page tells you how (Links to an external site.)


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