PAPER HEADING: Human Resources Discuss the following: What are the total numbers and/or number (per 100,000 population) of 1) nurses; 2) physicians; and 3) hospitals/hospital beds for U.S. and your selected country? For the U.S., see module readings (Chua) or more recent internet sources, if available.
PAPER HEADING: Conclusion: Access and Equity Issues Discuss the following: 1) Does the country have citizens/populations who are uninsured, underinsured, and/or experience health disparities? 2) Which citizens or populations (i.e, ethnic, income, and/or immigrant groups) in the U.S. and your selected country? For the U.S., see module readings (AHRQ) or more recent internet resources, if available.
5) See below for how to format the headings. Headings levels are important in a professional paper because they provide organization and progression for the reader. APA format standardizes levels/positions, although heading levels may differ somewhat according to the type of paper and discussion. Use the APA-formatted heading levels below to differentiate your countries and include a short comparison discussion.
I have included an example of heading levels for your first paper:
Repeat the title of paper [centered] at top of page 2: Comparison of Health Care Systems: United States and Iceland
Introduction [Level 1] (centered) Discussion begins…. (paragraph[s] form of at least two sentences
Health Statistics and Costs [Level 2] (flush left)
A short paragraph (at least two sentences) must introduce the level 3 sub-headings you are going to discuss in this section. For example: “The discussion below provides information about and compares the health statistics and costs of the United States and Iceland. Health statistics include life expectancies and mortality rates, major health conditions and diseases, health care expenditure dollars ($) per capita, and health care expenditure as a percentage (%) of gross domestic product (GDP).”
United States. [Level 3] Level 3 heading is indented with period, only first word is capitalized (unless a proper noun), discussion begins immediately after heading….
Iceland. [Level 3] Discussion begins….