
Category: Computer Science


ICT218 Databases September Trimester, 2012 Assignment 1 DATE DUE: Sunday 7th October 2012. Some important points worth noting: -­-Students should submit their assignment using LMS (unless alternative arrangements have been made) BEFORE 11:30pm (Perth time) on the due date. -­-THE FILE YOU SUBMIT MUST BE NAMED USING THE FORM: StudentNumber.doc or other appropriate file extension. You must include a completed assignment cover page. You must keep a copy of your assignment and be prepared to provide it on request. -­-If you have questions about the assignment, you can ask your tutor, the unit coordinator, or post a question on the LMS discussion board (preferred). Please check the discussion board before asking to make sure that your question has not already been answered. -­-This assignment consists of 100 marks. Marks are allocated as described in the assignment. Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 5 marks per day late or part thereof. Assignments will not be accepted more than 14 days after the submission date as assignment return will have commenced. -­-The University treats plagiarism, collusion, theft of other students’ work and other forms of dishonesty in assessment seriously. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Any instances of dishonesty in this assessment will be immediately forwarded for investigation. Question 1 (15 marks) – Relational Algebra The database used for this question is a very simple one with the following schema: (Primary keys are bold, foreign keys are underlined) CUSTOMER (CustID, FirstName, LastName, City, Phone, Email) INVOICE (InvoiceNumber, CustID, Date) INVOICE_ITEM(InvoiceNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity) ITEM (ItemNumber, ItemName, UnitPrice) When a customer makes a purchase, an invoice is created. The invoice may be for many items. For example, in a single purchase, a customer might buy 10 Back Scratchers, 4 Hair Removers and a Dog Lead. Provide relational algebra (NOT SQL) queries for the following: a. List the first and…

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