DeVry University Canada Business Issues Pertained to Healthcare Essay

Category: Nursing


The project requirement is a 6 to 10-page paper. Note that 6-10 pages means 6-10 pages of double-spaced written material with 1-inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom and a 12-point font. The cover sheet, table of contents, index, pictures, long quotations, or multiple quotations, will not count toward the 6-10 pages. APA format is required.Research what country you wish to choose for your Course Project in order to write your comparative analysis of its healthcare system against the United States’. You will be identifying healthcare business problems, often termed opportunities for improvement, in your selected country. These are important challenges for the national healthcare system, areas which need to be addressed for enhancement of community health. Some of these business problems will include:

  1. Poverty: National Income Per Capita
  2. Life Expectancy: Life Expectancy at Birth
  3. Childhood Mortality: Probability of Dying Before Age 5
  4. Early Mortality: Probability of Dying Before Age 60
  5. Healthcare Spending: Expenditures on Health Per Capita
  6. Healthcare Spending: Expenditures on Health as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
  7. Efficiency: Overall Healthcare Efficiency as Determined by World Health Organization Model

Some examples of evolving issues in the healthcare industry include, but are not limited to:

  • Health Literacy Deficiencies
  • Pharmaceutical Expenditures
  • Shortage of Physicians – Density per 1000 Population
  • Shortage of Nurses – Density per 1000 Population
  • Cancer Rates – Cases per 1000 Population
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction Rates – Cases per 1000 Population
  • Pediatric Asthma Rates – Cases per 1000 Population
  • Etc.

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