Are your environmental ethics reflected in the way you care for your home, family, friends and work?
Why did you answer the way you did? Give examples!
How do you contribute to pollution?
What steps can you take to begin caring for the environment? What is one environmental concern that you are most concerned about and why?
Part 2: Video reflections Based on EVERYTHING that we discussed in class including videos
What are your initial thoughts?
Do you feel you are responsible for the plight of people near land fills or waste treatment? Why or why not?
Detail how/why or why not the information presented is important to you? to your family?
How can you use this information now?
How can you use the information in the future?
Give examples from discussion, from the assessments, readings and videos to make your points.
Type in a word document 12 font Times New Roman font. Save the assignment by naming it “Environmental Reflection”.
You will earn an A when you demonstrate Insight & Analytical understanding of the concepts under discussion. This usually involves going above & beyond answering a question by providing a real-life example &/or linking a statement to other course concepts or earlier discussions.
You will earn a B when you demonstrate Better-than-average or superior levels of learning that go beyond mastery of the course material and exceed the requirements for a C.
You will earn a C when you demonstrate Competence. A letter grade of C recognizes that all of the course requirements and objectives have been met
Source :
Environmental Health is an area that a large portion of our society overlooks. Everybody knows what happens when we don’t take care of our body. Everybody knows what happens when we eat cheese puffs for breakfast or don’t exercise. But our environment is probably the one dimension of health that impacts not only individuals but our society as a whole. Would you purposely feed your great, great, great, granddaughter antifreeze? Oh course not, but if you don’t take care of your environment it has the same effect.
What about the previous stats were they surprising?
We have this sense that if we make some changes to impact the environment, it’s just a drop in the bucket – many more people need to also make those changes in order for the impact to be real. This is a very discouraging thought & one which keeps many of us from taking positive action. On the other hand, if all of us who had these discouraging thoughts on a regular basis actually did what we knew was right, we might actually have the impact that we would like.
Some related stats**:
**From “Facts Out of Context” (citing Roper Center for Public Research), In Context, No. 26, Summer 1990, p. 5.
Conflicting Information
Another issue related to the topic of the environment is that we receive conflicting information all the time.
1) Many scientists believe that global warming is a very real phenomenon to which humans have greatly contributed. There is a small minority of scientists who say that global warming is a natural phenomenon that is not really being influenced by human acts.
2) There are those who say we should recycle & those who say recycling itself uses more natural resources than it saves.
3) There are those who say humans are negatively impacting fragile ecosystems and those who say the earth is in a constant state of change & that ecosystem change is just part of the natural order of things.
How do we sift through all of this information to figure out what is true?
Well, I can’t give you the grand answer to that, but I can say that you need to look at who is presenting the information. Many websites provide a skewed few of the facts or they give you information that may be true but leave out other important information that might influence your opinion on a topic.