i need help on my research paper in 8 pageges not includ refrenses. plesse use the summary of my articles i uploud it here. Also i would like to add more information aboiut the water cost, how much money the need to gain or lose water.. like that.
please use a perfect topic for this paper.
” This should be a paper focused on how you will take what you learn in the course and apply it to your actual (potential, proposed) area of work in Public Health.The idea here is to reinforce your efforts as a practitioner of Public Health into a broader scope that incorporates your field of interest/study and Environmental Health. I am also looking for a more comprehensive view of Public Health from you and one that incorporates your giving back to the local community (either the one you came from and will return to or the one you will adopt in your new career). The paper will be submitted electronically to me in Word or similar format and in APA style. Please limit the paper to no more than 8 pages (not including references), single-sided, double-spaced. Please be aware that I do grade on grammar and spelling, so please ensure you are paying attention to this aspect.”