Watch the video below which presents two ways people look at the free market and capitalism and suggests a third alternative. In class, we discussed the importance of the idea of business as creation of value. We also discussed the destructiveness of an exclusively profit focus in business.
1. Watch the video, take notes, and then write a very brief summary, maybe one complex paragraph, of how you understand each of the stories as presented.
2. In an additional paragraph, note what you found to be most interesting or important about what was presented, why you think this is important, and how you felt about that aspect.
3. Compare and contrast the video with the Ethics textbook chapter. Be specific. Does the chapter agree/disagree, etc. How is the information in the article similar and/or different from what is presented in the Ethics textbook chapter? Use your own words. Do not use quotations. Paraphrase the information, and provide in-text citation(s) with page number(s), where appropriate.
In this discussion forum, you must post your discussion first before you can see the work of others. As always, your first post is due by Thursday night and at least two replies by Sunday midnight