This next assignment is an EOP project (Emergency Operation Plan). It needs to be modeled after the FEMA basick plan template which I will include in an attached document. The EOP must follow APA citing regulations. The EOP will need to be based off of a fictitious town. In this case, the town name is going to be (The Town of Thurmont) located in Frederick County, Maryland.
Introduction: (a) organization/entity summary; (b) plan mission, purpose, scope, and organization
- Basic plan: (a) overview of the organization and policies; (b) summary of key planning and situation assumptions; (c) general concept of operations; (d) roles and responsibilities; (e) list of assumptions; and (f) legal authorities
- Functional annexes: (a) details of how specific plans will be organized around the performance of a broad task; (b) focused on one of the critical emergency functions that will be performed during a response. (Do not repeat general information contained in the basic plan.)
- Hazard-specific appendices: (a) details on specific vulnerabilities, hazards, risk assessments, and/or threats; (b) summary of information applicable to the performance of a specific function during an event. (Remember that these appendices are typically developed when hazard characteristics and regulatory requirements warrant and are “attached” to the relevant functional annex.)
- Direction and control assignments: Who is in charge of what and who is responsible for what?
- SOP and other attachments: (a) a list of standard operating procedures (SOPs) that would accompany your EOP (this is only a list; do not write any SOPs); (b) other attachments that may be applicable
Be sure that your EOP is formatted with consistent sections and headings that flow and are easy to follow (EOPs take on many shapes and forms). It is expected that the EOP is easy to follow and is written with the expectation that over time and in real life your document will evolve and change.
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