submit your answers to the discussion questions given below as Part 1 and Part 2 to this Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately whenever possible. You should follow the most recent APA guidelines when citing your work. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings and cite your sources using proper APA guidelines (including in-text citations and references). Respond with meaningful feedback to two classmates before the end of the week. Your feedback should be constructive and add value to the discussion.
Part 1: Transition of the Healthcare Industry
There are many reasons why the healthcare industry has begun to change. Certainly we know that recent governmental healthcare reform has and will continue to cause change within the industry. However, there has been a more subtle transition within the industry. This week we are discussing this transition, its causes and the effect it has had on the industry and the way we view healthcare.
Describe how the healthcare industry has transitioned from an emphasis on “the sale” to an emphasis on long-term wellness and relationships.
Part 2: Demand in Healthcare
At one time or another we will have a need to access healthcare, whether it is for something major, minor, for ourselves or for others. Healthcare is a commodity that we all utilize. In this section we will discuss healthcare demand and all that it can entail.
What makes demand in healthcare a complicated issue, and what are some of the components that may contribute to the level of demand?