Java assignment | Computer Science homework help

Category: Computer Science

1 The Problem

Consider a grid of size N x N that represents a topographic map. Each tile describes the

characteristics of its terrain, which could be of two types: normal or mountainous. ROBBIE

the robot must navigate from a starting position (xs; ys) to a goal position (xg; yg) using

several of the learned algorithms (there can only be one start and one goal).

Note: In the explanations below, we assume that tile (1,1) is the top-left tile in the map.

1.1 Transition rules

ROBBIE is allowed to go to one of the eight surrounding tiles (at most), as shown in

Figure 1(a). However, it cannot move to a mountainous tile, and it cannot move diagonally

if one of the x; y directions composing the diagonal contains a mountainous tile. For instance,

the black tile in Figure 1(b) represents a mountain, hence ROBBIE can move only to the

ve white tiles indicated by the arrows. In contrast, ROBBIE can move to seven tiles in

Figure 1(c).

(a) Directions (b) 5 Transitions (c) 7 Transitions

Figure 1: Directions of movement and transition rules

1.2 Path cost

ROBBIE’s wheels are built so that a diagonal move is the easiest. Hence, the cost of such a

move is 1. Any other move has a cost of 2.

2 The Task

Your task is to write a Java program called planpath that plans a path from a given starting

tile to a goal tile.

IMPORTANT: Programs that don’t conform to the requirements in this section

will automatically receive a mark of 0. To assist you in writing a compliant program,

we have provided a Java driver and some test les in moodle. In addition, we have provided

les with matched input-output for BFS and DFS, so that you can compare your output

with the intended output.


2.1 Input

Your program will receive its input from a directory called input and will place its output

in a directory called output. The name of the input les should start with the word input,

and the name of the output le should start with the word output. You should specify the

le and directory as a command-line input, as follows:

java -jar planpath.jar ../input/input.identier.txt ../output/output.identier.txt

The identier of the input and output les should match. The directory structure that

matches this input is described under Submission Requirements (Section 4).

The rst line in the le will state which algorithm your program will use. The options

are: D, B, U and A for Depth-rst search (DFS), Breadth-rst search (BFS), Uniform-

cost search (UCS) and A (or A*) respectively. Any other option should result in an

error message.

The second line will contain the number of iterations for which diagnostic information

should be printed. This information is described under Output (Section 2.2). If this

number is 0, no diagnostic information is required.

The third line will contain one number that species the number of rows and columns

in the map.

Subsequent lines will contain the map, one line per row. The following values will be

accepted for each tile:

Tile type Symbol

Normal R

Mountain X

Start S

Goal G

The following illustrates a sample input for applying DFS to a 3×3 map and printing diag-

nostic output for 5 iterations:







2.2 Output

The output of the program will be written to a le called output.identier.txt, which will

be placed in the output directory, and will contain the following lines (the identier for the

input and output les should match):

The rst line will contain the path found by the chosen algorithm represented as a

list of actions separated by dashes followed by a blank space and the cost of the path

according to the algorithm. If no path was found, the output should state NO-PATH.


The actions (in UPPER CASE) are: R (Right), RD (Diagonal Right-Down), D (Down),

LD (Diagonal Left-Down), L (Left), LU (Diagonal Left-Up), U (Up), RU (Diagonal


For example, a path that goes Start, Right, Right-Down, Down, Down, Left-Down and

Goal, with a total cost of 8, is represented as follows:


The next lines should contain diagnostic information for each iteration performed by

the algorithm (up to the number of iterations specied in the input). For each iteration,

the output should be as follows:

Line 1 contains the path to the tile being expanded in the current iteration, followed

by a blank and the values of g, h and f separated by blanks. For example, if tile

S is (1; 1), S-R 2 0 2 designates tile (1; 2) reached at a cost of 2, and the value of

h is 0.

IMPORTANT: Note the dierence between the cost of the path and the cost”

of a step performed by BFS or DFS, which is 1.

Line 2 contains the word OPEN followed by a blank and the list OPEN sorted in

descending order of merit and according to the tie breaking rules described below;

and Line 3 contains the word CLOSED followed by a blank and the list CLOSED

sorted in First-In-First-Out order (to facilitate marking). Nodes in OPEN and

CLOSED are separated by a blank, and are identied by the path that led to

them. For example, after expanding the node for tile S = (1; 1), Lines 2 and 3

should be



Tie breaking rules:

{ According to generation time: earliest node rst.

{ Nodes that were generated at the same time (i.e., with the same parent)

according to the operator that produced them in the following order: R, RD,

D, LD, L, LU, U, RU (i.e., descending preference clockwise starting from R).

In summary, the nodes in OPEN will be sorted according to: (1) the requirements

of the algorithm, (2) the time of generation (First-In-First-Out), and (3) the

operator that generated them.

For example, the diagnostic output of two iterations of BFS starting in tile S (1; 1) and

considering the operators clockwise starting from R should be

S 0 0 0



S-R 1 0 1



This is because when implementing BFS, g is the depth of a node in the search tree,

and not the actual cost of reaching this node. Upon completion of the search, you still

need to print the actual cost of the path to the goal in the rst (non-diagnostic) output

line, as specied at the beginning of this section.


In summary, if the input requires diagnostics for M iterations, Graphsearch (DFS, BFS, UCS

and A) should produce a total of 3M + 1 output lines (3 diagnostic lines for each iteration

and 1 line for the path).

3 Programming Requirements

Your program should call one main module that implements the Graphsearch algorithm.

That is, for Graphsearch, you should implement one procedure that employs an order-

ing function to distinguish between DFS, BFS, UCS and A (or A*). You may implement

Graphsearch or Treesearch.

For algorithm A/A*:

Propose and implement a heuristic function h for solving this problem.

Determine whether this function is admissible or monotonic. Is the resulting algorithm

A or A*?

IMPORTANT: You should implement only one Graphsearch procedure, where the only

dierence between the options is how the nodes in OPEN are ordered. Implementing

dierent procedures for DFS, BFS, UCS and Algorithm A will incur loss of


4 Submission Requirements

The assignment should be programmed in Java Version 7 Update 76 (build 1.7.0 76-

b13). This is the version that runs on Monash labs. No other versions will be


You are allowed to work with one other student if you wish. Beyond that, make sure

you haven’t shared your work with other students.

Your code should have adequate in-line documentation.

Demonstrate that you have adequately tested your program on at least four maps of

dierent sizes and terrain congurations.

Important: Inadequate program testing will incur loss of marks.

Prepare a brief report (2-3 pages) that includes

{ A justication for your heuristic function for algorithm A, and a discussion of any

implementation issues that are not straightforward, e.g., the value of BOUND

and DFS, and eciency measures. Indicate whether the h function is admissible

or monotonic. Is the resulting Graphsearch algorithm A or A*?

{ An analysis of the results obtained by the various algorithms on your sample

maps, e.g., run time, quality of the results (did they nd the optimal path?).

Prepare your submission as follows:


{ Submit on moodle a zip le that contains (1) a jar le with all the relevant

class les and source code, (2) an input directory that contains your test maps,

(3) an output directory, and (4) your report. The zip le should be named, where StudentID is your Student ID number.

If you have done the work in pairs, use only the ID of one student in your

submission, but put both names in the report. In addition, both students

must complete the electronic Assignment Cover Sheet.

{ The zipped le should unpack to a directory with the following structure:

Top directory: YourName.probsol

Sub-directory for code: src (No other name is acceptable).

Sub-directory for maps: input (No other name is acceptable).

Sub-directory for output: output (No other name is acceptable). This

directory will receive the output of our test runs. It may be initially empty.

Sub-directory for report: report (No other name is acceptable).

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