This unit is really about three different topics that are related to one another – arrays in Java, simple text files in Java, and modular programing in java (Java methods).
The unit has a programming project spread over three related programming assignments, each worth 10 points.
In the first assignment, you will create a Java program that works with a small array of data containing five test scores. It will get data from user input do some calculations, and then print the results.
In the second assignment, you will modify a copy of the first assignment to load the data from a data file into an array, and then output the results to a data file.
In the third assignment, you will decompose a copy of the second assignment into separate methods in Java.
Our goal is to have a good modular program that loads stored data from a fie into an array, works with the data, then sends results to another data file. Doing this in three parts will allow you to focus on one aspect of the problem at a time.
There are reading assignments in Zybooks, but the two chapters from the Java Learning Kit – Chapter 5 – and Chapter 6 are your best source for learning this material. They cover the things you need to learn to complete this project and have good sample programs.
Your tasks are to:
It may seem like their is a lot to do here but the assignments are each simple and build on one another.
You should complete Zybooks Assignment 11 – Arrays in Java and read lessons 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 in JLK Chapter 6 about arrays in Java before starting this assignment.
Your task is to create a Java I-P-O program that works with a small array of data containing five test scores.
Your program should:
You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder.
You should read lesson 6.5 Text File Input and Output in Java before starting this assignment. Reading Lab 6.6 will also be helpful. There is no corresponding Zybooks assignment.
Your task is to modify the program from the Java Arrays programming assignment to use text files for input and output. I suggest you save acopy of the original before modifying the software.
Your modified program should:
You will need to create and save a data file for the program to use. It should have one test score on each line of the file. You can type and save the text file with any text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++. NotePad++ is a good program to have on your computer, It can be downloaded freely from: (Links to an external site.)
It should be saved or copied to the same folder as your Java source code file within you Intellij project.
You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder, which should contain the two data files within the project..
You should complete Zybooks Assignment 12 – Methods in Java and read lessons JLK Chapter 5 – Methods and Modularity in Java before starting this assignment.
Your task is to modify the program from the Java Text files programming assignment to contain several methods for different parts of the program.I suggest you save a copy of the original before modifying the software.
Your modified program should have the following six methods:
Unlike Python functions, methods do not need to appear before they are called in a program file. In fact, it is common practice in Java to put the main() method as the first method in Java program, similar to what is done in the payMethods sample program in the chapter.
You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder, which should contain will contain the two data files within the project..
You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder.