Discussion Question
You must respondto the week discutient questions above in less than 12 hours.
Posting must be at least two paragraphs in length (4-6 sentences per paragraph), cited with references ONLY from the attached files that named as below:
Week #11 Online Lecture
Johnson – Chapters 25-26
Response as mentioned MUST be based exclusively from: (Week #11 Online Lecture, JohnsonChapters 25-26, and Week #11 HANDOUT – Major Heresies of the Early Church) and NOTfrom any other outside sources.
If the Instructor response to your postings, then I will share with you his comments, and you will have 12 hours to respond to what the instructor asked you to do.
Here is this Week’s Discussion Topic:
With Essay Question #7 from your ACTIVITY SHEET as our starting point, how would you state the central message of Johannine epistles in your own words? How was this message particularly important in the first century? In what sense is it an enduring message? What kinds of heresies do we encounter in today’s age and, using the direction that Johannine letters provide for us, how can we address those heresies within our Church and within our individual lives?
How would you state the central message of the letters to the seven churches in your own words? How was this message particularly important in the first century? In what sense is it an enduring message?
Also, I have attached the reading materials which are mentioned below along with the Week 11 activity questions for your reference.
Week #11 Online Lecture, Johnson Chapters 25-26, and Week #11 HANDOUT – Major Heresies of the Early Church
Week #11 HANDOUT – Major Heresies of the Early Church
Week #11 ACTIVITY – The Johannine Letters-1