Juvenile justice db (2) 300 word posts plus (2) 150 word post with 1

Category: Law

Need each post separated and a PEER REVEIWED cited source for each (please send handshake as I cannot view chat box at work)



To obtain the most possible credit for the week’s participation on the discussion board, you must answer all questions with a 300 word minimum response per question to your question(s), you must respond to a minimum of two of your classmates per discussion board with a minimum of a 100 word response, use proper grammar, sentence structure and paragraph format for your responses. Your discussion board questions will be due on Sunday, Novemebr 28, 2013 at 12:00 pm (CST). No late work will be accepted.

Week 7 Discussion Board 5 covers Chapters 10 and 11


The following questions and answers will come from your week 7 reading of chapters 10 and 11. Please discuss each question in detail.


Chapter 10 Question:


Do you think most juveniles are competent to stand trial in criminal court?


Chapter 11 Question:


Should parents, custodians or guardians of youths be actively involved in a youth’s rehabilitation? Why or why not?

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