literature review paper on (i need it by 7pm)
Comparison of the Adaptations for Water Balance between Camels (Camelus) and Dorcas Gazelle(Gazella dorcas) General Guidelines: -5 pages (this does NOT include the cover page or the annotated bibliography). -Use APA format-Double spaced
-Font size 12
-Times New Roman Font
-1 inch margins
-Number your pages
-cite after everything that you paraphrase
for the annotated bibliograhpy
-Make sure you have 10 references minimum, 5 of which MUST be journals!!! The other 5 can be more journals and/or books/textbooks/articles.
What to write for the paper
-Your first two subtopics should be dedicated to the background information on the two organisms(everythig about the animal except what you are talking about on the paper)
-The rest should have subtopics based on your original topic. This is where you will break up your topic into further subtopics to better organize it. have at least 7-8 subtopics (including introduction and conclusion) for paper.
This is an example of an outline my teacher gave me ,the paper should look kind of like this but with relation to my topic,this outline is only for reference as how the paper should look like.The topic on the outline is NOT MY TOPIC its just a reference outline.
Topic: The respiratory system: How it evolved from a perch to a pigeon
I. Introduction
II. Background information on the Perch
• Fact (citation)
. • Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
III. Background information on the Pigeon.
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
IV. Anatomy of Gills
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
V. Anatomy of Air sacs and lungs
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
VI. Evolution of gills to air sacs
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
• Fact (citation).
VII. Conclusion