Due 1/25 8 p.m EST
Be on time & Original work
Data Attached
Earlier this week, you practiced using MANOVA models with SPSS and, ideally, used the Collaboration Lab to ask, answer, and otherwise address any questions you had. In this Assignment, you apply what you learned to answer a social research question using MANOVA.
To prepare
The Assignment
Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format in which you answer the following questions:
Be sure to include your data output with your analysis for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a 6X3 MANOVA.
The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real-world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.
For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to MANOVA.
To prepare
The Assignment (You find the Article)
Write a 2- -page critique (Not including title & ref page) of the research you found in the Library that includes responses to the following prompts: (USE SUBHEADINGS)