In this project, you will create and manage worksheets and workbooks meeting objectives 1.1 through 1.5 of the Excel MOS Associate exam. To complete the project, you will import data into workbooks 1.1, navigate within workbooks 1.2, format worksheets and workbooks 1.3, customize options and views for worksheets and workbooks 1.4, and configure content for collaboration 1.5. Note: This project was created for PC users since the MOS Exam is completed in the PC user environment
Start Excel. Download and open the file named Student_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx. Save the file as Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.
On the Courses worksheet, import the downloaded text file MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Text.txt, load the data to the existing worksheet in cell A5. Close the Queries & Connections pane. Convert the table to a normal range and then delete rows 5 and 75.
In the right header insert the Sheet Name. In the right footer insert the Page Number. Return to Normal view.
Create a New workbook using the Expenses report template with orange formatting. Move the Expense Report worksheet to the open Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx file. Move the Expense Report sheet tab after the Courses sheet.
On the Expense Report worksheet, in Normal View, create a hyperlink to the text Expense Report using the Web address Create a copy of the Expense Report sheet. Hide the Expense Report (2) sheet tab. Rename the Expense Report sheet tab as Expenses. Remove the hyperlink in the Expenses sheet.
Change the theme of the workbook to Integral. Create a copy of the Courses worksheet, and move the sheet tab to the end. Rename the tab Formulas and change the tab color to Turquoise, Accent 1.
On the Formulas worksheet, turn on Show Formulas. Change the magnification of the Formulas worksheet to 90%.
On the Formulas worksheet, set the scaling to 1 page width and configure only the range A1:F25 to print.
Create a new worksheet and rename the worksheet Instructors. Go to the named range Instructors. Copy only the values of the named range to A1 of the Instructors worksheet. Insert two new columns A and B to move the instructors data to column C.
On the Courses worksheet, use Find to locate the first instance for the instructor Heidi Horicksen and then hide the row.
On the Lookup sheet, delete rows 1 and 2. Set the sheet to print as Portrait Orientation.
On the Courses worksheet, set the print option to repeat the titles 1:4 to print. Adjust the height of row 4 to 20.
Save the workbook. Save the file as a Web Page using the name Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Web. Close the file. Open the Last_First_MOS9_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx file. Open the Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Web.htm file. Click each sheet tab to view the pages, and then on the Courses sheet tab use the snipping tool to create a full-screen snip of the window. Copy the snip and then switch to the Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx window. Create a new sheet after Instructors and paste the snip in cell A1. Rename the sheet tab Web. Save the file.
Inspect the workbook for compatibility issues and save the information as a new worksheet in position 8 in the workbook. Save the file.
Inspect the workbook for hidden properties and remove all personal information. Revise the document properties to add the tag Courses to the properties. Save the file.
Inspect the workbook for accessibility. Review the Inspection Results in the pane and then navigate to the sheet with the first Error. Use the snipping tool to create a full-screen snip of the window. Copy the snip and then switch to the Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx window. Create a new sheet and paste the snip in cell A1. Rename the sheet tab Accessibility. Move the sheet to the end of the workbook. Configure the print settings to print the entire workbook. Close the Accessibility Pane. Save the file.
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar and add the QuickPrint Command to the toolbar. Add a new sheet and rename the sheet Quick Access. Use the snipping tool to insert a screenshot of the Quick Access tools. Copy the snip to cell A1 of the Quick Access sheet.
On the Instructors sheet, insert 60 blank rows starting with row 1. Import the MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Instructors.csv file, and load to the existing worksheet in cell A1. Close the Queries & Connections pane. Convert the table to a normal range.
On the Instructors sheet freeze row 1. Save the file.
Ensure the worksheets are in the following order: Courses, Expenses, Lookup, Formulas, Instructors, Web, Compatibility Report, Accessibility and Quick Access. Save and close Last_First_MOS19_XL_PROJ1_Courses.xlsx and any other open windows. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.