Use the matrix worksheet (attached) to describe 3 sets of (DIFFERENT REAL CLASS ACTIVITIES) that you might use to teach and/or assess the children 6-12 years old about any mental or emotional health topics.
Come up with activities for each category from the sheet attached of multiple intelligence, so for each “learning style” (like some children learn better by doing stuff like acting a situation out) you would need to fill out the blank chart and write 3 activities for each style. Also, there is a powerpoint attached talking about the styles of learning that might be helpful.
NOTES: “Please read carefully”
– Pretend yourself as a teacher for 6-12 years old students and come up with class activities that are appropriate for their age.
– Make sure it will be 3 different activities for each learning style.
– Due Wednesday, Nov 30 at 12:00 PM
Thank you.