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Article Review Instructions – SEE ARTICLE ATTACHED


You will be required to submit a paper analyzing an article provided in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 6. The article is a collection of brief commentaries about the Stages of Change model (also known as the Transtheoretical Model). Your paper should be 2–4 pages, double spaced (not including the title page and reference page). 


After reading the article, write a synopsis that includes the following 4 components. Each section should begin with the heading that is provided below in bold type:

1.      Thesis

Outline the main thesis, objective, or “opinion” of the article.

2.      Rationale

Select at least 2 authors from the article and provide an explanation of their perceptions of the Stages of Change model. You must also provide supporting rationale to explain the authors’ perceptions.

3.      Response

Provide a clear explanation of your response to the commentaries. (Do not just agree or disagree. Please state why you feel specific findings were or were not legitimate.)

4.      Strengths


Outline 2–3 strengths of the model. You must also reference a professional journal article which support these findings and observations.

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