An action plan is a written strategy used to achieve outlined goals. For the purposes of this assignment, the action plan will be created using PowerPoint. An action plan includes the components listed below, and you may refer to page 237 (See Attached)in the textbook for additional guidance.
After the title slide, begin your action plan by stating the goal. Next, identify at least three strategies for reaching the goal. Briefly explain your chosen strategies with supporting data in the speaker notes section of the PowerPoint presentation. For the third part of the action plan, develop a 10-question survey that could be used to demonstrate the success of the plan. Conclude your action plan with a summary of the expected results and how the manager could use them to improve training.This action plan should contain at least 12 slides. You must use at least two sources with one being the textbook and the other being academic in nature from any database within the CSU Online Library. Be sure to cite and reference sources using proper APA style.Here are some general guidelines to follow when preparing your PowerPoint presentation.
Expectations for PowerPoint PresentationsHere is information about the Power Point presentations. Remember, a minimum slide requirement is just that. You may need more to meet the requirements of the assignment and that is ok.
1. You need slides that include the title page, an overview of the presentation (comes after the title slide and can be a bulleted list), and a summary (ends the presentation and comes before the references).
2. Citing – you would have a citation for every slide that is based on your research. You can cite on the slide or in the notes. If you do not cite, you will not get credit.
3. Reference page – APA format
4. Direct quotes – Please do not use direct quotes as they are not analysis unless you fully describe its relevance. Direct quotes impact the originality percentage as they are not original thought. Should you feel you must use a direct quote (I discourage this), you must also cite (Author, year, p. #)
. 5. Content pages – You are required to use notes to fill in the gaps. Remember, all I can evaluate is what I read.
6. Visuals/graphics are required for Power Point assignments.
7. Please review the rubric as this is what I use to evaluate assignments.