1. A starter solution has been provided to you as zip file. When submitting your own unit test methods, zip the contents of the src directory into a single zipped file. Make sure the zipped file has a .zip extension (not .tar, .rar, .7z, etc.).
Obstacle Warrior
Objectives: Create a Java program using programming fundamentals (file I/O, loops, conditional statements, arrays, functions)
Problem: In an effort to win a coding competition, you decided to create an awesome Obstacle Warrior game. The game is played on a 2-dimensional board similar to a Chess board, but the dimensions may be different. The minimum size of the board is 2×2. The board will have a Start square and an Exit square that are not stored on the board. Start and Exit squares cannot be the same. Other board squares may contain obstacles in the form of an integer that will define how the warrior position and score will be affected. The obstacle squares can have values from 0 to -10 only. The Start square is always a clear square. All clear squares are marked with # on the board. The Exit square may contain an obstacle that is not a zero. The size of the board, number of obstacles, and Start and Exit squares are all unknow to your code prior to running. This information is stored in a file that your code will read at the beginning of the game. The board.dat file must be read into a 2-D array.
A warrior must start at the Start square and find their way to the Exit square. The warrior can move on the board in any direction including diagonally, one square at a time. A warrior has a running score (integer) maintained from the start of the game until the warrior exits the board. If the warrior lands on an obstacle square with a value of zero, the warrior is sent back to the starting position and the obstacle square will become a normal square (obstacle removed). If the obstacle square has a negative number, that number will reduce the warrior’s score by the value of the obstacle, and the obstacle square will become a clear square (obstacle removed). Each VALID move that the warrior makes without landing on an obstacle will earn the warrior one point. The moves for the warrior are randomly generated by your code in the form of a direction (0-UP, 1-DOWN, 2-LEFT, 3-RIGHT, 4-UPRIGHT, 5-DOWNRIGHT, 6-UPLEFT, 7-DOWNLEFT). If the warrior is at the boundary of the board and your code generates an invalid move, that move will be ignored. Your code will keep generating moves until the warrior exits at the Exit square. Once the warrior exits, your program will store the updated board information to a new file ResultBoard.dat as single-space separated data. The program will also display the total number of valid moves, the total time elapsed in milliseconds since the first move until the warrior exited the board, the final score of the warrior and the formatted board information (right aligned columns with total of 5 spaces).
Output Format:
Enter the board data file path: C:board.dat //Repeat prompt until valid file OR show error and exit.
Type “Start” to start the game or “Exit” to exit the game: exit //Your program must exit
Enter the board file path: C:board.dat
Type “Start” to start the game or “Exit” to exit the game: start //You may display the moves and the running score after each move but it is not required
The warrior made 270 valid moves in 503 milliseconds. The final score is 175 points.
# # # # #
# # # 0 #
# # # # #
# -3 # # -4
# # # # #
Press any key to exit!
Program Structure: Your code should be modular and easy to understand. In addition to the main method, the following methods are required to be in your code. These methods will be used by the unit testing to test the accuracy of your code.
public static String[][] ReadBoardFromFile(String fileName, Position startPosition, Position exitPosition)
public static boolean WriteBoardToFile(String fileName, String[][] boardArray)
public static int GenerateDirection()
public static boolean MoveWarrior(int direction, String[][] boardArray, Position currentPosition)
public static int CalculateWarriorScore(int currentScore, Position currentPosition, String[][] boardArray)
public static String DisplayResults(int currentScore, int numberOfMoves, int timeElapsed, String[][] boardArray)
Program Flow:
Board.dat file format:
5 5
2 2
4 3
# -5 # # #
# # # 0 #
# # # # #
# -3 # # -4
-10 # # # #
**ResultBoard.dat file format: **
# # # # #
# # # 0 #
# # # # #
# -3 # # -4
# # # # #