For this Milestone 2 assignment, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Two samples of how you should structure the information in your literature review are attached along with the rubric. Although the samples do not contain all of the information required for this milestone, it should give you an idea. Please follow the examples I have provided.
Guidelines for Submission: You will upload the paper as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Your submission for this milestone must be follow APA paper guidelines. Your submission should not exceed 5-6 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages). It should include a cover page and reference page, be written with 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing, and you will follow proper APA citation and reference format.
Any thoughts that are not your own MUST be cited in proper APA format. Direct quotes (short and long) MUST be cited and formatted following APA guidelines. Even if you paraphrase information, it MUST be cited. Papers are being evaluated through SafeAssign. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If plagiarism is discovered, it will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and possible disciplinary action. AU’s writing center can assist you if you are unsure. You can also use the following Purdue OWL link: to help you with your citations and references and you can avoid plagiarism by also using one of the following plagiarism checking links: , ,
For this Milestone 3 assignment, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. You will create the Methodology section of your hypothetical study. This assignment is going to allow you to present your research design and develop and present the details of how your hypothetical study would be conducted.
II. Next, make sure you include the following essential information that pertains to the Method elements:
o How many participants do you envision having for this hypothetical study and how will you select them (where will you be gathering your participants from)?
o What type of sampling method will you use and why?
o Will you be assigning participants to groups? Yes, no and explain why
o What will the demographics of your participants be (gender, ethnicity, age range(s), SES, educational criteria (if relevant), history of medical and/or mental health diagnosis (if relevant) )?
o Where the study will take place (e.g. online, a lab, a university, a medical or mental health setting, a natural environment, etc.)? Explain why you have selected that particular setting.
o Over what period of time will data be collected?
o If you are using an intervention, you must describe it in terms of content and also dose parameters (e.g. groups will meet once per week for 60 minutes for 10 consecutive weekly sessions).
o You MUST include at least one survey (make sure to include relevant citations and references if you are employing existing measures)
§ To find surveys, go to PsychTESTS
Guidelines for Submission: You will upload the paper as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Your submission for this milestone must follow APA paper guidelines. Your submission should not exceed 3-4 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages). It should include a cover page and reference page, be written with 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing, and you will follow proper APA citation and reference format.