write a 1000-1500-word review of Donna Kennedy-Glans (2022), Teaching the Dinosaur to
Dance: Moving Beyond Business as Usual
a) Any references to outside sources (though not required!) must be properly cited using an
acceptable reference notation style (such as Chicago or APA). Students are free to choose any
such style – but must stick to it and state which one you chose on the title page, along with the
total word count.
b) The review must be properly word-processed and submitted on-line through Nexus, in the proper
place, as a PDF document through the dropbox on the Nexus course site. Essays that are not pdfs
must be resubmitted, and late penalties will apply.
c) The review must begin with an introductory paragraph, laying out your initial, overall assessment
of the book. The point of a review is not just to offer your opinion of the book, but to persuade
the reader whether they should purchase and read it themselves. Whatever you think about it,
outline your reasons at the start – this is the thesis of your argument.
d) The second paragraph (no more than 150 words) must provide a summary of the contents of the
whole book and the overall argument that the author makes.
e) Then, choose EITHER chapter 5 OR 6, and analyze/evaluate the specific argument offered there.
Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not?
f) Finally, looking at the book as a whole, are you convinced by her argument that dinosaurs can be
taught to dance? Why or why not?