visit the Sustainable Development Report Card.
Spend a few minutes exploring the Interactive Map to learn how it works. In the Interactive Map, you can look at overall scores and scores by individual Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Clicking on a country will give you details in the left-hand column about its overall performance and performance by SDG. Clicking on the SDG gives you detailed information about individual indicators (i.e., metrics used to create the rankings), which can also be visualized on the map by clicking them.
For the United States and one additional country of your choice: Choose two of the environmental SDGs (below). For each environmental SDG find an indicator for which the SDG is achieved (i.e., green) and one for which major challenges remain (i.e., red).
6 – Clean Water and Sanitation –
13 – Climate Action –
14 – Life Below Water –
15 – Life on Land
Please complete using the following template:
United States
Environmental SDG 1 –
Indicator acheived –
Indicator major challenges remain –
Environmental SDG 2 –
Indicator acheived –
Indicator major challenges remain –
Name of additional country
Environmental SDG 1 –
Indicator acheived –
Indicator major challenges remain –
Environmental SDG 2 –
Indicator acheived –
Indicator major challenges remain –