Answer the following five questions based on the readings with a clear explanation and a logical structure.
Length: approximately 300-400 words for each question.
Keeling, A. (2005) Urban waste sinks as a natural resource: the case of the Fraser River. Urban HistoryReview/Revue d’histoire urbaine, 34(1), pp. 58-70.
White, R. (1995) Are you an environmentalist or do you work for a living? in Cronon (ed.) Uncommon Ground: Rethinking Human Place in Nature, New York: W.W. Norton and Co., pp. 171-185.
Individual summaries of:
Furniss, J. (2015) Alternative framings of transnational waste flows: reflections based on the Egypt-China PET plastic trade. Area, 47(1): 24-30.
Thomas, K. and B. Warner (2019) Weaponizing vulnerability to climate change, Global Environmental Change, 57: 1019